Kevin geht fischen.
(Im Original meint Elanor: "Yes, and as I suspected, it was the activity and not the goal itself that mattered.")
Astrids Werkstatt wächst.
(Auf Englisch frusted Aby: "...I never dreamed it would outgrow ME.")
Die Verwaltung der Werkstatt.
(Im Original kontert Dorothy: "So did I, and I didn't have the option of going out and killing something to eat.")
Auf der Suche nach neuem Management.
(Auf Englisch argumentiert Kell: "Kevin and I both grew up in households run by one of you. We KNOW you can.")
Wer kümmert sich um die Kleinen?
(Im Original sinniert Kell: "Yes, we'd need an adult who's available for childcare...")
Georg hat einen neuen Job.
(Auf Englisch freut sich George: "Tops! The three of us made a fort!")
(Im Original grinst Lindesfarne: "And what does "Time of Year" have to do with ANYTHING?")